Back in Hawaii

It has surely been a while since I've posted anything on my sailing blog. Since my pacific crossing, I have actually been back to Hawaii several times and been sailing with friends.
This trip has been very nice. Arrived on Dec. 28th with my brother Justin then two more friends arrived over the next two days. On the 29th we brought my boat from Ko'olina to Waikiki and on the way saw two whales. What a beautiful sight. Since then we've basically just been hanging out in Honolulu, going out to bars, surfing and hitting the beach. Rough winter in Hawaii :=)
We wanted to head out and go to Maui, but there are small craft advisories and high surf warnings issued for basically the entire state. The current pressure system is showing 38 foot waves north of Hawaii right now and 35 foot breaking waves across the west and north shores of Oahu. Our sailing adventure is not looking good.....
I'll keep the blog updated.