and we're off!!!

Ships log:
Tomorrow is Friday the 11th of April....tonight we are experiencing another low pressure, but nothing like we did the other day. It looks as though the wind will be favorable for us in the will be off!!! We have a planned departure of 5AM tomorrow morning. I'll be checking the weather again in the morning, but all is well we'll be Hawaii bound!

Luke's log:
I can not wait to be on are way  hawaii then back to cal all has ben well. Very good times in japan and  more good times to come on the ocean and in hawaii. Spirits are hight and we are all pumped up to git on are way  yea!!!!!!!!!!

Barnacle Ron's Log ~
You heard it above - we are leaving Hachijo-jima Is. and the shadow of the volcano into the 
shadowed remnants of the past fierce storm - it will take us a couple of days to cross the infamous 
"Black Current" into the rolling praries of the deep blue ---- thoughts of family, community, 
all of life and deeper meaning ride with us ----- Love, Peace, Healing & Forgiveness ~ ...ah freedom
with Spirit ~~~~~Ron


Poopy Mouth said…

It's finally time to rock n' roll!!!!

Captain D, you're ready! You've got everything you need: an awesome boat and a crew of youth, wisdom, experience, and intelligence! Time to do your sailing thing, my man!

Lots of positive vibes coming your way from all those that love you!!!

Be safe gents and bon voyage!

Nicole said…
Thinking about you guys all the time. Im really excited for your trip! I hope everything goes well.

I can't wait to see you all again!

Sending all my love,

Ps. Love the pictures!
I miss you so much!
Toni said…
Bon Voyage to my favorite's hoping you have awesome beauty and perfect winds. I'm keeping the lamplight burning on the home front and holding you all in my heart everyday. Miss you Ron!
Love, Toni
Anonymous said…
Yo ho ho, have a great trip and pick up no hitch hikers,I saw this movie once and,...well, never mind...
Keep it under 90,and see you on the other side!
Taj said…
Received a message from TEAM NADEAU on 4/12/08. Crew still sick and a few challenges on board.
Taj said…
Received a message from TEAM NADEAU on 4/13. Bad weather, conditions and big waves. Crew still sick.
Poopy Mouth said…

Thanks for the update!!!

"Baptism by Fire" is not a fun way to begin. My heart goes out to them.

The last two days in Japan have been nice, so good weather and a hopeful break from the big waves are on their way.

Just remember that good weather and good sailing weather can be very different things. Of course, you need wind to sail but wind also means waves and the accompanying seasickness.

Hang tight, Guys!!!

Taj, next time you talk to Captain D, please ask him his average speed and distance covered for each day. That will help us know his location.



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